Is It Time for an Assistant? 4 Key Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore
Is It Time for an Assistant? 4 Key Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore
May 22, 2024

By: Amber Ewald

Ready to find out if it’s time to bring a personal assistant on board? In this blog post, we’ll dive into four key indicators, inspired by Michael Hyatt, and his book Your World-Class Assistant, that can help you decide if now’s the right time to get some extra help.

Indicator Number One: Increased Stress / Being Overwhelmed

When you’re deeply involved in your work, it can be tough to step back and see the bigger picture. While busy periods are normal, if you find yourself constantly overwhelmed, it might be time to consider getting some extra help. Chronic stress not only affects you personally but can also impact your business’s productivity.

Indicator Number Two: Daily Tasks Become Intrusive

When work tasks start taking over your personal life and becoming overly intrusive, that may also be a sign that you need some help. Administrative tasks can take up large amounts of time. However, assigning someone efficient and effective to those tasks can allow you to focus on more elevated tasks, making your business more profitable and successful. As Hyatt says, we need to “stop feeling shame around the tasks we find draining.”

Indicator Three: Not Making Use of Your Strengths

Everyone possesses unique strengths, and leveraging these strengths contributes to a more effective business. When you find yourself struggling with organization, task management, falling behind because your services are in demand, or your business is not growing as quickly as you’d like because you are wearing to many hats, seeking an assistant that compliments those needs is vital. Individuals often look for someone with similar qualities. However, an effective assistant should bring a distinct skill set to the table, allowing for enhanced productivity in diverse areas.

Indicator four: Asking for Help

Being overwhelmed by stress can impact various aspects of your life, including your ability to seek help. Often, individuals become trapped in a cycle of constant tasks, leaving little time to pursue additional support. Recognizing that you are too stressed to even ask for help is the first step toward breaking free from this stress cycle.

You know it’s time for some extra support, but what’s next?

Here are five essential takeaways to help you decide if hiring an assistant is the right move.

  • Assess Your Workload: Take a close look at your daily tasks. If you’re consistently overwhelmed and important tasks are slipping through the cracks, it might be time for an assistant.
  • Identify Your Bottlenecks: Pinpoint where you’re spending too much time on routine tasks. If administrative work is keeping you from focusing on growth or strategic initiatives, delegation could be the solution.
  • Evaluate Your Priorities: Consider if your time is being spent on high-value activities. If not, an assistant can help free up your schedule to focus on what really matters.
  • Calculate the Cost of Inefficiency: Weigh the cost of missed opportunities, stress, and burnout against the investment in an assistant. Often, the benefits far outweigh the expenses.
  • Listen to Your Gut: Trust your intuition. If you feel constantly stretched thin and your productivity is suffering, it might be time to get some help on board.

In conclusion, an assistant can be instrumental in alleviating stress and enhancing productivity. When overwhelmed by constant tasks and high stress, stepping back and managing everything effectively can be challenging. By delegating responsibilities to an assistant with a complementary skill set, you can focus on your core strengths and reduce the burden of daily pressures. This strategic support not only helps manage stress but also improves overall business efficiency and personal well-being. Recognizing when you need assistance and leveraging it effectively can make a significant difference in achieving a more balanced and productive work environment.


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This Blog was written by Harbour Business Law Legal Assistant, Amber Ewald.

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