It’s Time for an Assistant: Now What?!
It’s Time for an Assistant: Now What?!
July 17, 2024

By: Amber Ewald

Welcome to the second installment of our series on Your World-Class Assistant by Michael Hyatt. This segment explores strategies for identifying and hiring your ideal assistant. Hyatt identifies four critical factors to consider in the hiring process, which we’ll delve into to help you find the perfect match for your needs. Let’s dive in and discover how to refine your hiring approach to secure the ideal assistant for your team.

Don’t Leave Anything Out

The initial step in securing the right assistant is to develop a thorough job description. Clearly outlining the specific tasks and responsibilities associated with the role will help attract candidates with the precise skills and expertise required. How? Every time you work on a task that can be assigned to an assistant, take note. Then, use that list to create an in-depth job description. This detailed approach ensures that you identify individuals who can effectively support your needs.

Spreading The Word

Once you have a detailed job description, it’s time to get the word out that you are hiring. This can be done by sharing on your social media, website, or job listing platforms. It can also be done by word of mouth. This method could be more cost-effective in some cases, but it may also take longer to find the right fit for you. It all depends on your needs.

Using A Service

Using recruitment services can streamline the hiring process by connecting you with more qualified candidates pre-vetted by the recruiter. By sharing, in detail, your needs and expectations, prospective employees can undergo thorough screenings before you ever meet them. This creates a tradeoff: although recruitment services provide convenience by handling much of the process and often delivering candidates better suited to your needs, they typically come with a higher financial cost, as most companies charge a percentage of the new employee’s annual salary.

Local or Remote Services

Make sure you determine whether you need an in-person, remote, or hybrid assistant from the start. Transitioning from remote to in-person could present a challenge if those expectations are not established at the beginning of employment. Remote employees generally seek flexible schedules and greater autonomy, while in-person employees often prefer full-time positions with structured hours. The decision between the two options ultimately hinges on your specific needs as an employer, but it’s crucial to set clear expectations from the start. Keep in mind, each employee’s situation is unique, so it’s perfectly fine if everyone doesn’t follow the same schedule. The key is to maintain clear and transparent communication.

In conclusion, finding the right assistant is a pivotal step toward enhancing your team’s efficiency and success. By carefully crafting a detailed job description, evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of recruitment services, and deciding between local or remote support, you can make an informed choice that best fits your organizational needs. As you apply these strategies, remember that the ultimate goal is to secure a skilled and dedicated assistant who aligns with your vision and objectives. Stay tuned for more insights in our series as we continue to explore ways to build a world-class team.


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This Blog was written by Harbour Business Law Legal Assistant, Amber Ewald.

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